2014 Resolutions

Welcome back to my blog.

With this unacceptable yet kinda-annoying vocabulary, I'd like to tell ya something. Hey but know this, I've edited and changed few words on this post because it might annoys ya (and also annoys me too). I didn't know what I was talking before this but just ignore it, will ya?

This is the real style of my written, by the way. Messy, huh? Yeah I know. It's midnight already and I just don't feel better to write formally and normally. Get it? No? Good.

Anywho, I know this kinda categorized as a late post story that I should post it on that date or the day after that (January 2nd) but I didn't. Wonder why? Well, I was kinda busy celebrating New Year's Eve with my sist's college mates. Oh that reminds me I already posted something on January 1st but I haven't publish it yet. Coming soon! So stay tuned, folks.


Eyyo, so it's already new year!

Some said NEW YEAR, NEW ME. Uh man, is that some kind of joke? That shit always comes up in the beginning of the year. Why do you said so? It's not even a big deal. Well okay, we all got no problem here cuz you know what, I do the same too. All the time, EVERY YEAR.


Tell me about it folks, every year especially between the end of December and the beginning of January, it always comes up those brand new resolutions. Any kind of 'em with various wishes from around the world. We all have the same wishes, right? On Twitter, they might use this >#2014Resolutions< kind of hashtags then followed by the wishes they made on their tweets. Exactly, we all have done such that same thing since previous years before. It's been like a yearly tradition on the Twitter history, even on Facebook, Tumblr, and others.

If I had to discuss and explain all those wishes here, you'll know what happen because it would waste my time typing that and your time reading this. You already know what the common things have been happened on the internet so that's why I don't have to discuss it and we will probably gonna discuss it later because I'm starting to confused of all these things. Nah just forget it..

So what's my resolution for 2014?

I just wanna continue doing things that I've planned since 2007 to 2011 for something I would have accomplish in 2012 that I haven't done in 2013. 

That's all.

Next year, I would probably gonna do the same thing as the previous years.

Do it!

What about you?


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