Finally, New Layout

Eyyo! How do you like my new layout? Cool, huh? You like it?

I customized it for almost 9 hours on Tuesday. *gasp* 
But I'm so glad it turns awesome as I was expecting before, 
and... I totally love it!

To be honest I tell ya, it was so difficult at first. It's pretty hard to decide which template I would use for make it good-looking. I've tried many of 'em but I wasn't satisfied of it. I put a lot of efforts and hardworking on this. Believe me, it wasn't that easy as your thought. I guess it's been few months ago or maybe an half year ago since the last time I customized my blog.

It all started when I've posted something then suddenly I realize it feels so boring. My layout's sucks, it's just not my thing, my stuff. Something that doesn't reflecting my characteristic. 

So back then I decided to re-customize it.

First thing I did was choosing the right template, then set the layout. I added new pages (as you can see on the top of the blog as header) so it could be more accessible and efficient. I don't have to put many stuffs on the sidebar because it's kinda annoying a lil bit. I found it difficult to resize it so it fits on the sidebar, but adding more custom HTML and inserting my soc-med links weren't that hard. Luckily I have learned it well since I was in 8th grade and since then I'm already getting used to it. 

To be honest (again), I just found out the way to creating pages and adding them to the main page of the blog. I swear I haven't see any tutorial of it on Google or YouTube or Blogger Help. I found out myself that I almost can't believe I done it all by myself.

Since I can't technically explain further more and you need my help, don't mind to ask me. Just straightly contact me thru', Twitter, or even my e-mail. You can check it on the head bar menu. 

Seriously, I don't mind to help AS LONG AS its still on my capability. If it's not helping, you could just ask Google instead of asking me.

Ok? Don't worry, I'm right back at 'cha.


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