New Year, New Life, and New Story

!Have a wonderful and great year ahead!

First post in 2013. Been months ago since the last time I published my last post. Ah and for your information, I've already made few posts earlier but I keep 'em on Draft because I have to do many edited on it.

Sorry I have to write down all my post in English although I'm Indonesian (yes people, I am), it's a must because I have to practice my ability in speaking, writing, and understanding English grammar in the right way. My bad if I have any misspelled grammar or vocabulary or whatever on my post because I was born in Indonesian culture, which is traditional and we use Bahasa Indonesia as our national spoken language.. Ah, yes.

Enough with the introduction, let's skip to the main part.

Okay so here goes..
Firstly, today is January 1st. You sure know what that means, New Year finally comes, dude. 2012 has left the party and 2013 is coming, welcome aboard! New Year is the time when everyone starts to making their resolution from the previous year, if you know what I mean. New Year is identical with something new, something that really fresh from the oven, something that.. new. Things could change, but sometimes it could just stand still, no changes at all. It's all depend on how do you make it better or worse.

Secondly, maybe some people wanna change their life from the bad one to the good one. For example, me. I just want to change my behaviors, attitudes, and every bad sides on me to the better one. I feel like I ruined my own life with all my stupidity that I've done in 2012 and I really hope that I could just forget it and start a new life, a new good side of me.

And last but not least, I got plenty of stories (and new stories come everyday) that I have to share on my blog and I'm gonna write (yes I mean type) 'em down. So don't worry, from now on I'll try to update my blog every week in my leisure time, of course I will use Bahasa Indonesia. 

Hope y'all will enjoy reading my blog, I will post my stories sooner.

Like the Indonesian people always say,
Terima Kasih!

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