First Greeting in 2012

Hello there!
First post in 2012. 

I've been so hectic lately. As you all know, this year is my senior year. It's really difficult for me to start a new post everyday because I started to have some tutor classes at school and many school projects to do. So I probably don't have much time to write down all my silly stories like I used to do formerly.

I've hidden my previous published posts. The plausible reason, I was so unstable that I wrote it with excessive writing style or.. you know, the '4LaY' a.k.a failed Indonesian slang language. So I have to start it all over again from the beginning with normal writing style.

So right now, it's 6 o'clock in the afternoon, I'm right in the middle of watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney Channel. I haven't feed Rango and Gringo yet. And I had Maicih for my lunch. Yes, I was too lazy to go outside to buy Nasi Ramas at Simpang Raya.

Anyway, keep following my journal.

I'll update some more as soon as I can.

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