2014 Resolutions

Welcome back to my blog. With this unacceptable yet kinda-annoying vocabulary, I'd like to tell ya something. Hey but know this, I've edited and changed few words on this post because it might annoys ya (and also annoys me too). I didn't know what I was talking before this but just ignore it, will ya? This is the real style of my written, by the way. Messy, huh? Yeah I know. It's midnight already and I just don't feel better to write formally and normally. Get it? No? Good. Anywho, I know this kinda categorized as a late post story that I should post it on that date or the day after that (January 2nd) but I didn't. Wonder why? Well, I was kinda busy celebrating New Year's Eve with my sist's college mates. Oh that reminds me I already posted something on January 1st but I haven't publish it yet. Coming soon! So stay tuned, folks. ~ Eyyo, so it's already new year! Some said NEW YEAR, NEW ME. Uh man, is that some kind o...